Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goodness: 4

In our Wednesday night Bible study, we're going through Philippians and reading the book Embracing the Love of God by James Bryan Smith (if you haven't read it yet, you should. It's fabulous.) The first chapter starts with a quote by St. Augustine, "By loving us, God makes us lovable." Lately, everything in my life (as it should always) seems to point to my need for a Savior. Or maybe it is that I have been opening my eyes wider when my need for a Savior has been there all along. I claim the latter. It still fascinates me that God is the only reason we are even able to experience love. The only reason why we exist and can experience Him is because He loves us, because He is love. Smith quotes the fourteenth-century mystic Julian of Norwich saying "Everything is enwrapped in love and is part of a world produced not by mechanical necessity but by a passionate desire." So as I look back on my Wednesday, I am looking at the things that prove everything is "enwrapped in love," God is good, and that He is love.

1) Celebrating my mom's 58th 29th birthday with women twice my age. He made life fun.
2) The administration at a secular, public school loves having us, Jesus followers, on campus to just hang out with kids. When we show up, God does too.
3) Having Godly women I can pray, worship, laugh, and learn with on a weekly basis. God has a plan.


krislyn. said...

i love that you have chosen to write down your "goodness" of the day.

And I'm finding the same thing is true for me as I read this book. =)

He totally has a plan for YOU.