Monday, February 1, 2010

Goodness: 1

In light of my previous post, I decided I would list 3 things everyday until my 25th birthday [May 19] that reminded me of God's goodness. That is a feat in and of itself seeing as my last post was four months prior. I am up for the challenge though.
I looked up good in my trusty thesaurus and this is what I found: acceptable, admirable, agreeable, choice, capital, commendable, congenial, deluxe, excellent, exceptional, favorable, first-class, precious, prime, gratifying, honorable, marvelous, neat, pleasing, reputable, splendid, satisfying, stupendous, superior, valuable, welcome, worthy. What an incredible list that describes God.
Here is today's [Sunday]:
1) My best friend, Bonnie, shows me more and more everyday that Jesus lives in us. "Christ in us, the hope of glory."
2) My mom is comfortable praying before lunch with my friends.
3) I can get up before church and take a stroll with a dear friend in 70 degree weather.


Bonnie Lewis said...

I am humbled by your number 1 on here. I have no idea how it can be true that we both think this about one another.

I am STOKED to read this everyday!!!

Love you

Shey said...

You are amazing. And I'm pretty sure you're the only one who reads this.